Example code

#import <Massive/Massive.h>


MSVInitWithAPIToken(apiToken, ^(id<MSVNode> massive, NSError *error) {
  if (massive) {
    massive.userOptedIn = YES;

    massive.menuBarUsageShown = YES;
    if (massive.menuBarUsageShown) massive.menuBarUsageShown = NO;

    NSViewController *massiveViewController = [massive createUsageViewController];
    [view addSubview:massiveViewController.view];

    [massive pauseUsageForTimePeriod:MSVHour];
    if (massive.usagePaused) [massive unpauseUsage];

    if (massive.userOptedIn) massive.userOptedIn = NO;

Getting started

  1. Download the latest SDK package.

  2. Open the Xcode project you want to integrate the SDK into.

  3. If your project navigator isn’t shown, go to View > Navigators > Show Project Navigator.

  4. Open the SDK package and drag the Massive.framework bundle into the navigator.

  5. If the Copy items if needed box and box for your app target aren’t checked, check them.

  6. Press the Finish button.

  7. In the implementation file for your app delegate, import the SDK:

    // Importing in Objective-C:
    #import <Massive/Massive.h>
  8. In your applicationDidFinishLaunching method, start and wait till the SDK is ready by calling the MSVInitWithAPIToken function and defining a MSVInitCompletionHandler block:

    // Starting in Objective-C:
    - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification {
      MSVInitWithAPIToken(apiToken, ^(id<MSVNode> massive, NSError *error) {
        if (massive) {
  9. When the user opts in, toggle the userOptedIn property on:

    // Opting in in Objective-C:
    massive.userOptedIn = YES;
  10. Next, show user tooling by toggling the menuBarUsageShown property on on demand or calling the getUsageViewController method then adding the view of the returned controller to your interface:

    // Showing system tooling in Objective-C:
    massive.menuBarUsageShown = YES;
    // Showing custom tooling in Objective-C:
    NSViewController *massiveViewController = [massive createUsageViewController];
    [view addSubview:massiveViewController.view];

See the API reference for detailed info and optional SDK functionality.

Sample apps

See the README.txt file and Massive Sample folder in the SDK package.

API reference



Defines a node of the Massive distributed computer.


typedef void (^MSVInitCompletionHandler)(id<MSVNode> node, NSError *error);

A block called asynchronously after a Massive node has been started. The node, if started successfully, or startup error, if not, is passed to the block.

typedef enum MSVTimePeriod: NSInteger { ... } MSVTimePeriod;

A capped or uncapped duration.


MSVIndefinite An indefinite time period.

MSVHour An hour.

MSVDay A day.

MSVWeek A week.


void MSVInitWithAPIToken(NSString *apiToken, MSVInitCompletionHandler completion);

Starts a Massive node, pending user opt-in, attributed to your API token.


apiToken A unique developer identifier obtained from this website.

completion A block called asynchronously after node startup.


@property BOOL userOptedIn;

The state of user opt-in. YES allows computing resources to be opportunistically consumed; NO doesn’t. Resource consumption is disallowed by default; the user must agree to easy-to-understand terms of the exchange you’re offering before you toggle this property on.

@property(readonly) BOOL usagePaused;

The enablement state of resource consumption. YES indicates usage is paused; NO, unpaused.

@property BOOL menuBarUsageShown;

The visibility state of menu-bar tooling. YES adds charts representing resource consumption to the user’s menu bar; NO removes them. Resource charts aren’t made available by default; they must be added to the menu bar by toggling this property on or to your interface by calling the createUsageViewController method.


- (void)pauseUsageForTimePeriod:(MSVTimePeriod)timePeriod;

Disables opportunistic resource consumption for the finite time period or till you call the unpauseUsage method. Resource consumption is enabled by default.


timePeriod A capped or uncapped duration.

- (void)unpauseUsage;

Re-enables resource consumption if disabled.

- (NSViewController *)createUsageViewController;

Constructs a view controller with charts representing resource consumption that you can add to your app’s interface. Resource charts must be added to your interface by calling this method or to the menu bar by toggling the menuBarUsageShown property on.

Return value

The view controller with resource charts.