Getting started

We’ll use curl for our API call examples. You could also consider a dedicated tool for developing API requests (like Postman).


You’ll need a session token to authenticate your requests, or Metabase will refuse to talk with you. To get a session token, submit a request to the /api/session endpoint with your username and password:

curl -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"username": "{METABASE_EMAIL}", "password": "{METABASE_PASSWORD}"}' \

Attention: Your Metabase email and password are different than the credentials used to sign in to Massive’s Partner Portal.

This request will return a JSON object with a key called ID and the token as the key’s value, e.g.

{ "id": "38f4939c-ad7f-4cbe-ae54-30946daf8593" }

You’ll need to include that session token in the headers of your subsequent requests like this:

"X-Metabase-Session": "38f4939c-ad7f-4cbe-ae54-30946daf8593"

Some things to note about sessions:

  • By default, sessions are good for 14 days.
  • You should cache credentials to reuse them until they expire because logins are rate-limited for security.
  • Invalid and expired session tokens return a 401 (Unauthorized) status code.
  • Handle 401 status codes gracefully. We recommend writing your code to fetch a new session token and automatically retry a request when the API returns a 401 status code.

Read any card

The reporting API builds on your dashboard view. You can query any data in your dashboard via the API with the command below:

Note: If there is data you’d like to query that is not in your dashboard please reach out to your contact at Massive via Slack or Email.

curl -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "X-Metabase-Session: 38f4939c-ad7f-4cbe-ae54-30946daf8593" \

You simply need to replace the session ID with your from the authentication step and the card ID from your dashboard:

X-Metabase-Session: 38f4939c-ad7f-4cbe-ae54-30946daf8593

You can find the card ID in the URL of the card. In the example below that would be 484:

Note: You must open a specific card and you should not use the ID of the whole dashboard.