Example code

#include <Massive.h>


void initCallback(MassiveStatus status, void *context) {
  if (status == MassiveStatus::OP_SUCCESS) {
    if (MassiveStart() != MassiveStatus::OP_SUCCESS) {

      bool isTaskbarUsageShown = false;

      if (isTaskbarUsageShown) MassiveHideTaskbarUsage();

      bool isMassiveStarted = false;

      if (isMassiveStarted) MassiveStop();

MassiveOptions options = MassiveOptions::STOP_MASSIVE_ON_APP_QUIT;
MassiveInitWithAPIToken(apiToken, options, initCallback, context);



Getting started

  1. Download the latest SDK package.

  2. Extract the package to your folder of choice.

  3. Open your IDE and the project you want to integrate the SDK into.

  4. Add the extracted include folder to your include path.

  5. Add the lib\win64 folder to your library path and, from that folder, the MassiveClient.dll library as a dependency.

  6. Configure the MassiveInstaller.exe installer to be copied, at build time, from the bin to output folders.

  7. In your implementation file, import the SDK:

    // Importing in C/C++:
    #include <Massive.h>
  8. Start and wait till the SDK is ready by calling the MassiveInitWithAPIToken function and defining a MassiveInitCallback continuation function:

    // Starting in C/C++:
    MassiveInitWithAPIToken(apiToken, options, initCallback, context);
    void initCallback(MassiveStatus status, void *context) {
      if (status == MassiveStatus::OP_SUCCESS) {
  9. When the user opts in, call the MassiveStart function:

    // Opting in in C/C++:
  10. Next, show user tooling by calling the MassiveShowTaskbarUsage function on demand:

    // Showing system tooling in C/C++:

See the API reference for detailed info and optional SDK functionality.

Sample apps

See the README.txt file and samples folder in the SDK package. The samples demonstrate how to integrate the SDK into your project and use its functionality.

  • MassiveCliSample is a simple console application that demonstrates how to integrate the SDK into a C/C++ project.
  • MassiveSample is a simple Windows application that demonstrates how to integrate the SDK into a C# project.

API reference


typedef enum MassiveStatus

An enumeration of possible states of the Massive SDK.


OP_SUCCESS The operation was successful.

INVALID_ARGS The arguments passed to the function were invalid.

UNINITIALIZED_SERVICE The Massive service was not initialized.

INITIALIZING_SERVICE The Massive service is initializing.

ALREADY_STARTED The node is already started.

CORRUPTED_INSTALLATION The installation is corrupted.

INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error occurred.

typedef enum MassiveOptions

An enumeration of options for the Massive SDK initialization.


NONE No options.

STOP_MASSIVE_ON_APP_QUIT Stops the Massive service when the client app quits.

typedef void(__cdecl *MassiveInitCallback)(MassiveStatus status, void *context);

A function called asynchronously after a node of the Massive network has been initialized. The startup state and local data from the caller are passed to the function.


status The startup state of the node.

context Any local data passed to the MassiveInitWithAPIToken function.

typedef void(__cdecl *MassiveCallback)(void *context);

Type of generic callback that is used to handle async events from the SDK.


context Any local data passed to the function which uses this callback.


void __cdecl MassiveInitWithAPIToken(const char *apiToken, const MassiveOptions options, MassiveInitCallback callback, void *context);

Starts a Massive node, pending user opt-in, attributed to your API token.


apiToken A unique developer identifier obtained from this website.

options Options for the Massive SDK initialization.

callback A function called asynchronously after node startup.

context Any local data to pass to the callback function.

void __cdecl MassiveCleanUp();

De-initializes and releases all resources acquired by Massive.

const char *__cdecl MassiveGetVersion();

Returns the version of the Massive SDK.

Return value

The version of the Massive SDK in the format major.minor.patch.

MassiveStatus __cdecl MassiveStart();

Allows computing resources to be opportunistically consumed. The user must agree to easy-to-understand terms of the exchange you’re offering before you call this function.

Return value

Execution status code.

MassiveStatus __cdecl MassiveStop();

Disallows computing resources to be consumed.

Return value

Execution status code.

MassiveStatus __cdecl MassiveIsStarted(bool *isStarted);

Queries the allowing state of the computing resources sharing.

Return value

Execution status code.

MassiveStatus __cdecl MassiveShowTaskbarUsage();

Adds charts representing resource consumption to the user’s taskbar. Resource charts must be made available by calling this function.

Return value

Execution status code.

MassiveStatus __cdecl MassiveHideTaskbarUsage();

Hides charts representing resource consumption from the user’s taskbar.

Return value

Execution status code.

MassiveStatus __cdecl MassiveIsTaskbarUsageShown(bool *isShown);

Queries the visibility state of taskbar tooling.

Return value

Execution status code.

MassiveStatus __cdecl MassiveStoppedViaTaskbarCallback(MassiveCallback callback, void *context);

Sets a callback to be called when user opts out from Massive using Taskbar UI.


callback A callback to notify about the event.

context Any local data to pass to the callback function.

Return value

Execution status code.

MassiveStatus __cdecl MassiveStartedViaTaskbarCallback(MassiveCallback callback, void *context);

Sets a callback to be called when user opts in to Massive using Taskbar UI.


callback A callback to notify about the event.

context Any local data to pass to the callback function.

Return value

Execution status code.

MassiveStatus __cdecl MassiveSetServiceUnavailableCallback(MassiveCallback callback, void *context);

Sets a callback to be called when connection to the Massive is lost.


callback A callback to notify about the event.

context Any local data to pass to the callback function.

Return value

Execution status code.

MassiveStatus __cdecl MassiveSetServiceAvailableCallback(MassiveCallback callback, void *context);

Sets a callback to be called when connection to the Massive is restored.


callback A callback to notify about the event.

context Any local data to pass to the callback function.

Return value

Execution status code.